Owning and operating a small farm has been a life long goal of ours. This year, 2024, has been a crazy ride. We sold our home of 27 years. The home where we raised our family. The house on top of a mountain. The home were we thought we would never leave. Yet, here we are. Our children are all adults with their own lives and families. The property where the beginnings of our farm are starting to take shape became available and we couldn't believe the rollercoaster ride we got on. Mrs. is a Captain in the Air Force, Mr. served in the Marines. She was a raised on a farm, he was raised in an apartment. LETS GO!!! Farmers Mr. and Mrs. Jones.

We list that we have a gallery, we do not yet. We will. We are art collectors and when the barn goes up the art will go in a modern art gallery sectioned off from the farming activities. So stand by.
In the works...
Planning the farm layout. Where to put the barns? Where to put the saw mill, the animal shelters, the produce fields? Follow us as we build this crazy idea into a reality
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